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Financial Support and Regular Giving

All churches require regular giving if their ministry and mission are to flourish. 

The cost of our ministry and mission per day is £484.

Our main financial commitments include:

  • clergy stipend and housing
  • insurance, maintenance, lighting and heating of the church building
  • parish administration
  • worship, education and outreach

Regular giving is an integral part of Christian life. It is a symbol of our commitment to one another and to God.

The parish giving scheme

Our preferred way for you to donate regularly is by using the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). New donors can sign up securely at any time either online via this link, via a paper form available at the bottom of this page or by phone. 

To sign up by phone, call the dedicated sign-up line on 0333 002 1271 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. This normally takes around 10 minutes.

You will need your personal bank account details and the PGS code for  our parish, which is 370637258

PGS Overview - 30 seconds

PGS Introduction and ways to sign up - 2 minutes

PGS online giving run through - 8 minutes

One-off online giving

You can click this link for our online giving page or scan our QR code below with your phone or mobile device camera

Give at a Sunday service

You can give at any Sunday service by using a giving envelope and adding it to the offering or by using our contactless machine at the back of church.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the gift aid declaration on the envelope to make your gift go even further.

Payroll giving via your employer

Many employers offer payroll giving which allows you to give directly to the parish of St Margaret's Lee from your salary before tax is deducted. This means if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the gift will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher rate of tax, £100 a month will only cost you £60 from your net pay. To find out if your employer offers payroll giving, contact your HR department.

Send a cheque

Cheques should be made out to ‘St Margaret's Parochial Church Council’ and can either be given in an envelope during the offering at a Sunday service or posted in the letterbox of the parish office on Brandram Road.

Leave a legacy

If you are considering making a bequest to the parish or have already included a gift to the parish in your will and would like to speak to someone about legacy giving, please contact the Treasurer via 020 83189643 or email

Gift aid

If you pay income tax or capital gains tax in the UK, we can claim back 25p on every £1 you donate through the gift aid scheme. To permit us to do this, please complete a gift aid declaration at the bottom of this page.

If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can personally claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation (25%). You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return, or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code.

Note: please do not fill in a gift aid declaration if you give via a pre-tax payroll giving scheme as you are giving ‘pre-tax’, and thus we cannot claim tax back on the gift.