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St Margaret's takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Our Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults  is reviewed annually by the PCC and can be downloaded below.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer: Lesley Palgrave on 07436 118 848

or our Churchwardens:

Andrew Wardle & Lesley Palgrave via

or the Safeguarding Team at Southwark Diocese.

A Who's Who with contact details of all our staff and volunteers can be found below.

A Safe Church

‘A Safe Church’ is a manual containing the Diocesan policies, procedures and guidelines for safeguarding children, safeguarding adults who may be vulnerable, and responding to domestic abuse. Significant amendments have been made in 2018 in line with a number of new and revised policies from the House of Bishops and the National Safeguarding Team and to reflect changes in wider safeguarding procedure and legislation.

Further information can be found on the Southwark Diocese Safeguarding webpage.