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Darby and Joan

The Darby and Joan Club, founded in 1958, is a Club for Senior Citizens run under the auspices of St Margaret’s Church.  It runs every Tuesday between 11:45am and 2pm. Take part in sing-alongs, raffles, bingo, outings and much, much more! £2 a week. Includes a cup of tea and a biscuit.

We are a very friendly group and we are always pleased to welcome newcomers.

The club closes for two weeks at Christmas and one week at Easter. 

There is no annual fee but everyone pays £2.00 a week.

There is a weekly raffle. We provide tea and biscuits and many members bring their own sandwiches with them. 

There is an hour’s entertainment from 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. This varies from music (choirs / sing-a-long),  speakers, (local history, wildlife, social ), keep fit (in a chair),  painting,  flower arranging, Bingo and quizzes.

We have an annual outing often to a seaside resort.

We have an alternating council bus and Dial-a-ride service running for eligible members and there is also a car parking at the church. 

Find us: 

See the attachment at the bottom of the page for directions to the crypt. 

The Crypt
St. Margaret's Church 
Lee Terrace, SE13 5DN

Contact us: 

Contact the Church office for more information. 020 8318 9643